United Countries of the Earth - A Utopia

Let us divide human life on the Earth into two distinct periods, namely, the first and the second periods. Considering the new drastic changes to be implemented, the latter period is expected to be more sophisticated than the former. Now it is time to review human life on the planet Earth, created by the Supreme Being, during the so- called first period as follows:

Dwellers of the Earth have always lived in limited geographical areas in some kind of isolation and ignorant of each other's circumstances. This has naturally led to their pathetic situation and backwardness. Variety of languages have also hindered effective communication and exchange of information among nations. Some people in the countries of the world have enjoyed luxurious lifestyles, while others have remained deprived of even their basic needs (i.e. home, food, transportation, clothing, etc.).

Wars, including the first and the second world wars, not to mention other endless conflicts, have led to human and capital destruction beyond repair. There is no day when we do not here news of scores of people getting killed. Such conflicts stem from political, social, economic, sectarian, and power-seeking motives on the part of certain countries, which prove to be intolerable for all dwellers on the earth.

It is a fact that great progresses have been made for the enhancement of human life in the area of science and technology in recent decades such as computers, the internet, cell phones and so on . As the focus of the present paper, let us now step into the second period and see what actions need to be taken to rid human beings of the predicaments they experienced during the first period.

Lack of a universal language has not only hindered effective communication among nations, it has also led to miscommunications and misinterpretations. This has resulted in their becoming backward and isolated. Thus, creating a common and unified language seems indispensible.

Considering its global domination, English could be the commonly shared global language. To achieve this goal, teaching English to all children (from 3-6 of age) must be started. This could be attained by developing attractive and interactive material on compact disks by expert native speakers of the English language, which can be played at home with parental assistance and encouragement or at nurseries and at kindergartens under teachers' supervision. Such teaching sessions must be held at least three times a week. The material on the CDs must be commensurate with their ages.

This kind of English language teaching technique must be continued steadily for non-English speaking countries. It is recommended that monitors be used when children enter elementary school. Under such a consistent system, people throughout the world should be able to communicate both in their mother's tongue and predominantly English.

The second basic step that needs to be taken in the second period would be uniting all nations of the world, that is, "United Countries of the Earth", which will enhance cooperation and mutual understanding among nations. This task needs to be materialized by the United Nations Organization. Being able to communicate in English, people of the United Countries would be able to share information in all areas of science and conduct joint research with the help of computers. Besides, being proficient in English, people of the United Countries of the Earth would be able to integrate their educational systems at elementary, high school, and university levels into a unified method. Under the United Countries of the world's system, all the nations of the world become one nation and all animosities and ill feelings would disappear and above all, the world would be a peaceful and pleasant place to live in.

During the first period, all kinds of lethal devices and other weapons of mass destruction were all used by man against man. Now it is time for the United Nations Organization to require all countries of the world to destroy all kinds of weapons (guns, machine guns, bombs, war planes, nuclear missiles and chemical weapons), making the world a threat-free place for all.

With the inception of the second period, the responsibilities of the United Nations would be far greater than ever before. In the second period, there will be more job opportunities across the globe. This will help all countries of the world to exchange professional manpower in all areas of science (medicine, agriculture, electronics, space physics, etc.). Man's needs for different sources of energy- fossil fuels, gas, oil, nuclear, water turbines, tides and ebbs and solar- have risen steadily.

Unjustified consumption of fossil fuels by countries that have currently plenty of them would have catastrophic consequences for the future generations. As such, fossil fuels should be consumed prudently. For this reason, all countries of the world must predominately focus on nuclear, solar, and other alternative sources of energy.

Now we are living in the late first period. We have witnessed breakthroughs in new inventions and innovations in the last two decades. The trend will go on at a faster pace in the second period, which could result in more job opportunities across the united countries of the Earth. Under the unified system of the united countries of the Earth, natural disasters, which cannot be avoided, could be potential sources of job opportunities for a large number of people across the globe. Natural disasters or catastrophes that could jeopardize human life are as follows:

Earthquake: This is a disaster that has dire consequences, including heavy casualties, and massive destruction of homes and buildings. Earthquake causes losses of human life and capital.

Floods: Floods could have immediate impacts on human beings, including loss of life, destruction of crops, loss of livestock, and deterioration of health conditions owing to waterborne diseases.

Storms: Storms may occur in different shapes and forms (i.e. cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, etc.) could lead to loss of human life and property.

Fires: Fires can destroy cities and forests. Fires could devastate human life and property.

Under the united countries of the Earth's system, countries could share the dire consequences of all kinds of disasters and enjoy effective joint mitigation strategies by combining their physical facilitates and sharing up-to-date information. There are abundant human resources educated and trained in their own countries during the first period, whose expertise may not be needed in their own homelands. Such excess manpower could be productively utilized where they are in demand.

R. Javahery, Associate Professor of Physics, the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, rjavaheri@ut.ac.ir

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